We Write Articles for Newsletters, Advertorials and Emails

As well as writing copy for websites we also write and edit copy for newsletters and blogs. We can take your existing content and shorten it to fit a newsletter, or create new, original content based on a brief.  Many people appreciate the value of a newsletter or blog but find making the time to write and edit the content time-consuming.

Let us do the hard work for you.  We’ll take the time to understand your goals, your business and your clients.  Then we will create professionally written compelling copy that entertains, educates and informs your prospects.  We help you to keep your brand in their minds.

If you’d like us to quote for your newsletter copywriting, please get in touch today.

Accountants newsletter 

We wrote/edited all of the copy for this six-page quarterly newsletter for Petersfield Accountants,  Antrobus Accounting.

Our brief was to create wording that was factually correct yet readable for a  lay audience. We turned the copy around within a week and have now been commissioned to write all future editions.

Click on the image to open a pdf of the newsletter.


Custom Blind Manufacturer – News Updates

In December 2013, we were approached by Marla Custom Blinds to write a series of short news updates for their website. We have now written several such articles and have since been asked to write some sales follow-up emails and web pages.

Click on the image, to open a pdf copy of the article

The brief was to come up with a follow-up email as a last chance offer for customers who had received a quotation.

Click on the image, to open a pdf copy of this letter

Article for Bookkeeping Firm

In 2015, after having completed the copy for a new website for The Local Bookkeeping Company we were asked to help them develop an engaging and informative article on Cashflow management. They provided the basic information and we developed it into a readable resource that they can use in multiple ways to boost referrals and generate new leads.

 Click on the image to open a pdf of the article

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